Monday, March 10, 2014

Lecture 1 - Introduction

Today we started with the introduction to History in general. Some philosophical dimensions were considered wherein we discussed some famous sentences and their meaning to characterise the meaning of history. Main point was to differentiate History from Chronology. We then went on to discuss a few important characteristics of Indian history. Perspective, entry points, history and history's history, archaeology and literature mismatch were illustrated with many examples. Later, the cycle of regionalisation-intergration-localisation was discussed with ensuing implications. It led us to talk about the relation between fractured polity and other sectors of society viz., economy, religion, society etc. The aim was to de-focus the excessive concentration on Delhi and try to analyse the history of India into interrelated-interacting regions. The last point in the discussion was the periodisation of history into ancient-medieval-modern and the meanings associated.

Along with such introductory discussion, a few handouts were distributed and were discussed in detail. We also discussed the importance of culture in the new pattern.
  1. Syllabus
  2. Topics for the coursework
  3. Resources - Books, Videos, Websites
  4. Classification of Prelim questions - extensive and intensive
  5. Analysis of Prelim

During the course, a video prepared by UNESCO on history of oral preservation of Vedas was also shown.

Observations -
  1. It was very disappointing to find students unaware of the basic chronology of Indian past. Especially so when they supposedly have been preparing for almost a quarter of the year now and have been through Mains preparation before. The most appalling point was when only a very few people raised hand when asked who had read Ancient India NCERT. My basic understanding is that a student should come to the class not to learn whats already provided in the book. Rather one is supposed to read the book first and then come to the class. It makes very little sense otherwise.
  2. I was trying to make the lecture interesting with two things - audio-visual material and participation. The participation was very low. Only a few students sitting in the front were taking part in discussion. Considering the first point above, it seems not surprising. 
  3. Students have not revised what was taught by Neha madam and Mrinmayi madam. I will therefore have to repeat many basic things. It will probably eat up a lot of time I was planning to allocate to other aspects helpful for prelims. Interestingly, students had not even brought the old notebooks along with them. 
Takeaway for students -
  1. Read Neha madam's notes first before coming to the class. Read some relevant chapters from Ancient NCERT also. Blindly coming to the class and listening will not bring you dividends. 
  2. Be attentive and forthcoming. Talk about the problems you are facing - of any kind. 
  3. I will not be dictating the points. Its your responsibility to take down notes. Dont make the things difficult for yourself.

Takeaway for me -
  1. Slow down a bit and focus more on basics.
  2. Allow the students sitting at the back to participate, especially the later half of the class at the back.
  3. Repeat the specific terms a couple of times or write them down. Give some time to students for taking down notes as per the need.

We already have started with Religion today. Tomorrow we will continue with the religious history as a part of the Culture section. If you have any comment, you can post it here or meet me in person.

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